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Newcastle to Cardiff Trains | Find Newcastle to Cardiff Cheap Train Tickets,
Schedules, Fares & More
There are a lot of options available in terms of money and timings if you are looking for travel by Train from Newcastle to Cardiff. The train takes around 5 hours and 38 minutes to reach its destination. Train from Newcastle to Cardiff provides you with a convenient and easy ride. On an average, there are 36 trains travelling from Newcastle to Cardiffon a daily basis. You can board a Newcastle Cardiff train at any point as there are a large number of trains being operated daily. The best part of Newcastle to Cardiff bus is that you can just hop on in one when you need it without prior booking. You may compare the prices for the cheapest ticket before booking it.
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Popular Train Companies to Book Newcastle to Cardiff Train Tickets
London North Eastern Railway
London North Eastern Railway (LNER) is a train operating company that started running trains...